Are you a non-smoker who thinks marijuana should be legalized?
If so, WHY?
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I'd like to know WHY you keep asking this.
I am a non smoker (tobacco and pot) and pro-legalization. Why? Look at how much money we're spending on the "War on Drugs":
Now look at statistics in countries such as Portugal that has decriminalized marijuana...crime has gone down, drug addiction has gone down, HIV/AIDS cases have declined, gang activity has declined.…
The reason that marijuana was criminalized in the first place was based on lies and politics:…
Our prisons are packed with non-violent marijuana offenders when violent criminals such as child molesters are allowed to walk free. Does that make sense?
Alcohol and cigarettes, unlike marijuana, have no documented medical benefits but they're fine. Why should a natural product be outlawed in favor of others? It makes absolutely no sense to me.
Legalize it, tax it, take the power from the gangs and drug cartels. People can abuse any substance, including chocolate cake.
Everything you need to know about Cigarette Smoking.
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