What happen if you quit smoking for good?
So I've been smoking cigarettes for 4 years (18-22) I want to be committed to become a nonsmoker and get healthy for myself and saving money too. It shouldn't be that hard to quit after few years of smoking right? What can I do to ignore the cravings? And everyone in my family smokes so yeah. Anyone expericene quitting smoking for good?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
First of all, it is that hard as it is a chemical addiction. The difficulty you are having is not a weakness of your will--you are strong to want to quit. I finally quit after many years of smoking (15) and only was able to quit after a loooooong period of cutting down from a pack a day to about 2 packs a week. I smoked like that for 3 years, then used lozenges for 3 weeks exclusively before finally quitting. I was under a lot of stress (grad school, fatherhood and work) so I think that the period of quitting could obviously be shortened for someone of your age.
The most important thing is to modify your behavior--smoking addiction is situational as well as chemical--eliminate smoking from one situation in your life at a time (first thing upon waking, after breakfast, between classes, after dinner, you know what I mean). Also, someone who is healthy doesn't feel the negative effects of smoking for a long time, so doesn't have that impetus to quit that older people have (shortness of breath, difficulty climbing stairs) so you should do some rigorous exercise to discourage smoking--run 3 miles a day, use the stairs, etc, to make yourself feel that smoking is having consequences on your health, even this early.
Good luck
this is a movie i made for psychology about the effects of smoking...and it turned out to be kinda effective too =] enjoy... thanks to my mates ...
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