Differences in UK and America terminology?
I understand that in the UK, "blow a fag" means to smoke a cigarette, whereas in America it means something COMPLETELY different. Just like chips in the UK are fries in America. What are some other differences? It's just interesting to me because we both speak English, but there are certainly some differences in how we phrase things.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
UK vs US:
lift = elevator
lorry = truck
bum bag = fanny pack
fanny = vagina
bum = fanny
pissed = drunk
angry = pissed/pissed off
crisps = chips
chips = french fries
chav = white trash
bin bag = garbage bag
rubbish = garbage
sweets = candy
biscuits = cookies
underground = subway
subway = underpass
motorway = highway
A video about recent attempted ban's on the electronic cigarette also called a ecig aka e-cigarettes from Shawn at www.zeecigs.com youtu.be
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