Why are Winston Lights & Salem Cigarettes going out when they are put in the ashtray for a minute?
They have never done this before? What has changed? Are they doing something different at RJR? Whats up?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
The cigarettes that you have are FSC. FSC means fire safe cigarettes. Our state governments are requiring it---the blame for this one is not on the tobacco companies but our state governments.
Tobacco companies are required by our state governments to add a substance similar to carpet glue which is making a lot of people sick. This explains about it:
This is a map showing all of the states that have legislation to require it. If you click on your state, it will show you when the bill was signed into law and when it goes into effect in your state:
With so many states requiring it, most cigarette companies are simply switching everything over. So people in all states are getting them now. This is understandable from a production standpoint. It would be a mess for the companies to keep track of when the laws go into effect for each state and to make sure that they shipped the non-FSC only to states that don't have it yet. If they mess up and send them to the wrong state, they'd have very steep fines to pay.
The laws require that ALL pre-made cigarettes have FSC. The tobacco companies don't have a choice. Even organic, additive-free brands like American Spirit have to comply if they want to sell cigarettes in that state.
Cigars and filtered tubes for rolling your own cigarettes are not included in the legislation. That doesn't mean that the government won't someday attack them too.
I've smoked for 28 years and I won't touch the FSC. They're too dangerous for me. I started rolling my own filtered cigarettes. This is a good site to learn about RYO even though they don't seem to be taking new members. There's a lot of good info anyway.
Using an injection machine, you can't tell the difference in appearance of my cigarettes and pre-made ones. Besides that, I usually only pay about $1.50 a pack to roll my own. And no dangerous FSC.
Name: Winston (red) Company: Fortune Tobacco Size: King Review: Kind of like Marlboro Reds, but smoother and not as strong.

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