Why do liberaltarians want to legalize drugs? dont they know it will give the gangs more power? dont they care?
about inevitable increase in deaths that will occur? the war on the streets that will ensue? quality of life in america would decline dramatically. imagine, drug dealers just giving out marijuana candy to kids to get them hooked for life!
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If this were a political ad, I'd just call this a fear tactic. I disagree. If you legalize marijuana it would stop most of the illegal drug trafficking. Why buy it off the streets when you can go to Walmart or Great Stops or whatever and buy it legally just like you could alcohol or cigarettes. We don't want to legalize heroin just marijuana. Besides the medicinal benefits, there would obviously be a demand for it so people would buy it and that sales tax would help boost the economy. Not to mention it would create jobs because you would need farmers to grow the product, manufacturers to package, and the truck drivers to ship it to stores. That's hundreds of jobs being created. We could also make money by exporting the product.
In addition, it would cut down on a lot of the prison population because many of the people being locked up today are locked up because of being in possession of small amounts of marijuana but if it's legal that's less money the government would have to spend on inmates and it's also less crowding in our prisons. The War on Drugs has been a resounding failure and I certainly believe this is just a situation where if you can't stop them you might as well legalize it. Is it really any worse than cigarettes or alcohol? I don't think so. Plus you have to consider the fact that prohibition simply does not work. The reason why kids tend to binge drink so much is because it's that "forbidden fruit" idea that they want. Same concept with marijuana. You'll never completely be able to stop addictions whether it be alcohol, marijuana, prescription drugs or whatever but you can at least try to educate people about the importance of if they are going to use it to do so in moderation.
proprietorship in Kenya. I distributed whole sale processed/pasteurized milk, bread, Eggs, candy of all kinds, Telephone calling cards and also ...

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