Where can I sell a carton of Marlboro cigarettes? I bought a carton of Marlboro cigarettes at the Duty Free for a friend, but they recently quit smoking. Since I don't smoke, I was hoping to sell it on Craig's List or on Kijiji, but selling tobacco products goes against their policy.
Where can I post an ad to sell this carton? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters sell it on craigslist/ kijiji., just check you will see so many people selling cartons of cigarettes
I know its against their policy but its a dumb rule anyways and it is never enforced.
on kijiji you just can't have tag words that reflect you selling tobacco, but you will see there are easy workarounds
Similar to Origami from a Marlboro Cigarettes box making a polo shirt style, this is a how to do it, a pretty cool thing to do with the box in 1 ...
Any idea if there are any locations in Sudbury, Ontario that sell Camel cigarettes? I had them once in the U.S. and never thought about them again until now, 4 years later. This is the most intense craving I have ever had. Do you know of anywhere? Or even if you don't know for sure, are there any specialty cigar/cigarette shops here in Sudbury that may sell imported smokes? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker A good smoke shop can order them in for you.
Visit www.vapormonster.com to get a discount on the Green Smoke E Cigarette. Visit my web site at http to read reviews of the e cigs I've ...
Has anyone purchased Djarum Clove cigarettes from an online (indonesia) store & actually received them? I've found a great little website online (from indonesia) selling djarum black clove cigarettes, but i'm a little worried, after hearing horror stories of people NOT getting their package, due to US customs. I'm curious to know if anyone has ordered them from an online website (which one?) and actually received their package of cloves!?
Someone also suggested clove cigars (are they any good?)???
Thanks! Best Answer - Chosen by Asker From the US Customs website:
"Of particular note to importers is a section of the Act which takes effect Tuesday, September 22, 2009: a ban on all flavored cigarettes (excluding menthol). FDA intends to begin enforcement of this provision on Tuesday, September 22, 2009; when imported or offered for import, flavored cigarette products (excluding menthol-only flavored cigarettes) are subject to refusal of admission into the US."
You could "luck out" and have them miss your shipment. But that's unlikely. You can always try but expect to lose your money. It isn't the sellers' fault that you live in a country that denies you the right to purchase these items. That's the fault of the people who voted in the politicians who took away your freedoms.
I haven't heard of anyone getting the cloves past customs. Of the people that I know who have tried the clove cigars, most don't really like them but they smoke them because it's the only clove smoke the government will allow.
If you want to know which politicians voted for this bill, click on the links where it says "votes". There are links for the House members and the Senate members to see how they voted. And of course the President chose to sign it into law.
Smoking pipes brand and cost ? can anyone please tell me the cost of a good smoking pipe and brand if there is and type of tobacco
thanks Best Answer - Chosen by Voters you can buy a corn cob pipe for around $5. and if you dont mind looking like a hillbilly they smoke just fine. They just dont last long. Figure on paying around $30-$40 for a good quality...but not name brand...pipe. Dunhills can cost more than a used car. Ben Wades can cost more than that. Dont buy drugstore pipes with filters. Talk to a tobacconist so he can helpyou match pipe style to smoking style. You dont want a really short pipe to smoke something really strong.
Tobacco? Go to a tobacco shop...not a discount cigarette store but a real pipe and cigar store. Tinderbox comes to mind. There you can open jars and smell the may types of tobacco and pick something you like. My preference is English Aromatics with lots of latakia in them.
If you have to buy your pipeweed at the local grocery store I would go with Borkum Riff whiskey.
If you can find a pipe made by Jobe go with that. And then buy yourself a half dozen Jobe links if they have them. The #1 cause of frustration with pipe smokers is forgetting that you stuck it in your pocket and you sat down and snapped off the stem. A new stem can be expensive and if it broke out the briar of the pipe your pipe is history. The Jobe link eliminates this problem by connecting the two parts of the pipe with a breakable , replaceable, plastic link. marvelous invention.
Know anything about the Security and Prosperity Partnership? This is a program of the Bush Administration. According to the mission statement on their website, they are trying to bring Mexico, Canada and the U.S. in to a "European union" type of scenario by no later than 2010.. With shared Defense perimeter around all three countries and opening up the traffic at the current borders.
Funny, you apparently need a Freedom of Information Act to access any material on it. And it, like wiretapping, needs no approval but the Bush Administration. Could it be this is why he doesn't care about illegal immigration? He plans on just opening the border anyway? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker You should include a link, otherwise people are going to think you're just a radical liberal, so here goes....
Now that we know the questioner isn't nuts, what do we do about this? I am a registered Republican who is now more Democrat than Republican, but I honestly do not see much threatening about this, and I live in Arizona. This "open borders" thing is by far Bush's most liberal program to date, Im amazed no one in the Neo Con Head Shed has explained the ramifications of just opening the US/Mexican border to him. Just a couple off the top of my head:
1. Pot gets a LOT cheaper. Thanks George! I had to quit smoking cigarettes (just finally got too expensive) but thanks to this program, there should be literally hundreds of tons of weed crossing the border within this next year, drinving the price down to where ANYONE will be able to toke up-
2. Landscape companies (or anyone else) wont have to worry about hiring illegal aliens, since there won't be any such thing anymore. Just hire whoever, pay em pennies a day and keep Americans with families on Unemployment, for demanding a living wage. THAT'LL teach those Labor Unions!
3. Now that the former middle class is now the lower class in terms of wages earned in the US (the richest country on the planet and both our soldiers and our Walmart clerks have to apply for Welfare to feed their children), so the way to make them the middle class again is to import a whole NEW lower class! This is actually pretty elegant thinking (for a Neo Con) and MUCH less expensive than actually paying people who do the work a decent wage (doing THAT would cut into the whole $500 million CEO bonus structure).
4. Rush Limbaugh will have to learn to bleat in both Spanish and French as well as that nonsense he refers to as English. I find this to be the height of hilarious irony.
5. Ann Coulter may finally find a man (triple the odds, savvy?) who's not completely turned off by that Adam's Cantalope she sports under her chin. I HATE dating a woman with a bigger dick than mine!
6. Americans will be more inclined to learn a foreign language (such as Mexican), since, in just a few years, that language could be their new, "Official" language. In other words, "Gracias, Senor Presidente".
Seriously though, I feel we would be stronger together than we three are apart. Look at how influential the EU has become in just a few years. We could end up with 3 or 4 Superpowers (Americas, The EU, Russia, China) in economic terms, then the US will really have to learn to be competitiive again to survive.
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What is the purpose of usuing Liquid Glucose while making chocolates? Liquid Glucose contains dextrins, which retard the process of crystallisation. This is an advantageous factor in a number of applications in manufacturing products like jams, jellies, chewing gums, canned fruits etc.
The primary purpose of using glucose in making jams and jellies is to prevent their cane sugar ingredient from crystallising, which is ensured by the presence of dextrins in the glucose syrup. In addition to this, glucose syrup prevents spoilage of the product without unduly increasing its sweetness.In confectionery, the addition of cane sugar presents two main disadvantages. Firstly it lacks good keeping qualities, being susceptible to crystallisation and consequent hardening. Secondly, it has the excessive sweetness of an all-cane confection. Corn syrup, being a non - crystallising substance with less sweetness, very successfully produces a homogenous and palatable confection. In India, hard candies are often made entirely out of glucose syrup, without adding cane sugar.
In ice-cream, the use of corn syrup has definite advantages. It not only prevents sucrose crystallization but also imparts a smoother texture. Cane sugar can be replaced upto 25%, without materialy changing the properties of the ice-cream.
Corn syrup is used extensively for manufacturing various syrups, either as a base or as an ingredient. It is used in the preparation of a number of household syrups and for artificial honey.
Corn syrup is used in commercial bakeries for pie and cream fillings in large quantities. Here, corn syrup gives body, bulk and sweetness. Its non-crystallising and hygroscopic qualities help to keep the finished product in soft condition.
Corn syrup is used in the preparation of chewing tobacco to impart flavour and to promote desirable texture and keeping qualities. It is also used for flavouring and dressing tobacco for cigarettes.
Adding 5 % to 10 % corn syrup to shoe polish prevents caking and also results in a quicker and better shine.
The action of glucose in tanning gives pliability and weight to the leather. In the chrome process glucose syrup is used because of its reducing action.This causes the chrome to be precipitated into the body of the leather. Approximately 5% of the weight of the finished leather is introduced in the form of sugar. The purpose of using glucose in making Jams and Jellies is to prevent their cane sugar ingredient from crystallizing. In addition to this, glucose syrup prevents spoilage of the product without unduly increasing its sweetness. In confectionery, hard candies are made entirely out of Glucose syrup, without additing cane sugar. In Ice Cream, Glucose syrup not only prevents sucrose crystallization but also imparts a smoother texture.
www.EcigsFreeTrialOffer.com - Try e-cigarette for Free! Snow White Kahuna Alaskan Ice Mazar Sweet Purple Hash Plant Swazi Safari Somantra ...
Is it possibe for me 2 quit smokn cold turkey? im 18, and i smoke bout 6 newport cig. a day. i really wanna quit but its real hard. wat ya'll think is the best way 4 me 2 stop for good? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker I think the fact that you have already established that you want to stop smoking that you're one step closer. Good job! My great grandpa stopped cold turkey when my grandpa was still little and that's when cigarettes were a lot cheaper, but he just threw them out the window and never had one again. I think it depends on how strong a person is and I believe you're a really strong girl because you're eighteen and you want to stop. A lot of girls that I'm around that are that age think it's super cool still. One way that I heard that is easiest for people to stop smoking is buy your favorite bubble gum as a kid and have it wherever you go and every time you're craving a cigarette you just pop in some gum and chomp away. (I hear its better than that nicotene gum). I hope it all works out for you,if you need to invest in the patch. Best wishes!! You go girl you can do it!!
I saw a hedgehog in our garden and think he might be in trouble.? I saw a half grown hedgehog in our garden and beside one of his ears he had 2 bright blue spots which looked like beads. What could they have been? What should I do if I see him again?
Could it be some sort of illness? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Wild hedgehogs in the UK are prone to many annoying parasites, including mites (almost impossible to see), fleas, and ticks. What you are describing are ticks. The ticks here in the USA can be removed by applying heat to them (my grandfather used to apply a lit cigarette to them when they were on his hunting dogs, and they withdrew, convulsed, and rolled off). I'm not sure about British ticks. A hedgehog out during the day may be ill and/or orphaned, but it is definitely a cause for concern.
You may wish to contact the British Hedgehog Preservation Society by phone and email (see web site below). As insectivores, hedgehogs are very beneficial to your garden, so I would recommend doing everything you can to encourage them to stay there. Leaving fresh water for them is often appreciated. They are lactose intolerant, so no milk (but goat milk is OK). If they are not getting enough insects or other natural food in your garden, it's OK to feed them a good quality dry cat food (like Royal Canin), but please no empty calories like bread or lettuce.
There is an excellent book titled "Hedgehog in Your Garden" by Doreen King (1997, Kingdom Books) which is a British publication now unfortunately out of print, but several copies are available very reasonably priced by British used booksellers via www.abebooks.com
Best wishes, Z. G. Standing Bear at The Flash and Thelma Memorial Hedgehog Rescue in Divide, Colorado USA
Тестдрайв автомобиля Great Wall Wingle, проведенный съемочной группой одной (если не единственной) из самых популярных передач в Одессе - " ...
Where can you buy black devil cigarettes in canada? I'd like to purchase Black Devil cigarettes in Canada, preferably in Toronto or the Niagara area. Anyone know a shop that sells them? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters You might try some of the duty free shops in the Niagara area.
Disgusting but truthful warning labels on cigarettes from Malaysia. Cigarettes in video include Black Devil, Bingo, Peel, DJ Mix, SKL. They cost ...
What type of cigarettes did Jeremy Brett smoke? Out of curiosity, does anyone know what type/brand of cigarettes did famed British actor Jeremy Brett (famed for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes) smoke? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters kool
Avg Price: 21 NIS Type: Full Flavor Subscribe, comment, rate, enioy and stay lit!
What branch of philosophy does this quote relate to? The quote is, "The Price of anything is the amount of life you want to spend for it." Its for a project, and im quite confused right now on how i would give a good answer. I want to link it into one of these seven branches, Theology, Aesthetics, Ethics, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Political Philosophy or Logic. Any answer would be greatly appreciated Best Answer - Chosen by Voters I am only guessing here, but I would say ethics. The meaning behind the quote is basically how much would you be willing to give up to get something you so desperately wanted at a time when it was in greatest need. An example given was a glass of water when you had no water during a trek across the desert. We can also think closer to home in this day's economy and imagine ourselves unemployed and trying to hold onto our home and car, but with no money coming in, and no more money in the bank. What will we do to make up that sudden loss of money in order to pay the mortgage and car insurance, etc. until we can get back on our feet? Will we do anything so desperately out of character and possibly criminal in nature just to survive? Will we slip to the basest of natures and walk the streets of the red-light district to make our money in that manner?
We could also think of the example of a youngster in school who, yearning for acceptance, submits to peer pressure to gain his fellow students' friendship. The question becomes, how far will he sacrifice his identity and dignity for the pleasure of belonging to this group? Will he start smoking cigarettes because it is now the cool thing to do, even though he always thought it was a nasty thing to do? Will he start skipping classes to hang out with them, smoking pot and drinking beer, so he can be just like his now "best buddies?" How far will he slide down into this road of ruin before he sees what it has done to his life, or will he never take that path to begin with?
That is what I am seeing here in this quote.
Follow our Blog of ALL our videos and stay up to date at www.facebook.com knockoutnetworks.blogspot.com knockoutsnetwork.tumblr.com Remember, if ...
Where do the carcinogens in cigarettes come from? Are the harmful chemicals in cigarettes (tar, arsenic, etc., etc.)inherent in the tobacco plant, or are they added later by cigarette manufacturers? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker Most of them are a product of combustion of plant material. That is, the burning.
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What Kind Of Electronic Cigarettes Are Best? I am trying to quit smoking and have heard a lot about electronic cigarettes, but i was wondering what are the best ones, does anybody have a recommendation or experience with these cigarettes? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Hi Jenna,
There is no "best ecig" there is only an ecig that is "best for you". Seriously, it really depends a little on you and what you prefer.
The fact is that most e-cigarette models basically work the same way. In a nutshell, a battery powers an atomizer which vaporizes a nicotine/water solution that is inhaled by the user. The main differences are in overall quality/dependability as well as special/extra features that may appeal to you depending on your personality and needs.
Do you plan to refill your cartridges? If so, buy a 3 piece design.
Do you want it to look fake or realistic? Get a red LED or a blue/green one ...
Do you want cartridges with Chinese made smoke juice or USA made smoke juice?
Read this buying guide here further down on this page and you should be well prepared to make an online purchase:
Why do dumb people sometimes do smart things? Like some people who are very uneducated but they throw their cigarettes in trash. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Even dumb people sometimes do smart things.
Even smart people occasionally do dumb things.
People's actions are not always due to their characteristics.
you'll find that I've covered them all in this video. Electronic cigarettes trash tobacco cigarettes. Get the facts, get free. http ...
How much do Djarum blacks cost in jacksonville florida? I live in the town marietta(JAcksonville) and i would like to know if anyone knows how much djarum black clove cigarettes clost. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters saw them at a store on Blanding for $5.99
How do I get rid of the smell of cigarette smoke in an upholstered chair? My neighbors are moving and they gave us two really pretty upholstered chairs. We brought them in but the reek of cigarette smoke and are stinking up the room. I cannot just take off the pillows as the wood is covered in cloth. They are so pretty and I like the material. Any suggestions? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters i am starting to search in the cleaning area because i sell rainbow systems. if you would use the rainbow in your home, it would get rid of 55% of cigarette smoke in the air! you can also use our deodorizer that kills germs and also odors in the air instead of masking them. the machine can do many things and you can look it up at www.rainbowsystems.com or e-mail me at gooseinarmy@yahoo.com. i am sorry if this sounds like i am advertising but i really believe in this product and i would love for more people to own them.
I was urged to do this video at the request of my brother. Think of the captions as a director's commentary. If you want them removed send me ...
What do ya'll thinks of these lyrics i wrote? I just started songwriting. I got writing the music pretty good, but i have a hard time with lyrics. Here are the first few lines i wrote to start off:
The boys dressed to kill
The girls dressed to kill
Smoking on a cigarette lookin for a thrill
if you can help expound on it or give me tips. please help Best Answer - Chosen by Asker Thats actually kinda cool so far.. Depends on what the overall "theme" of the song is going to be... Perhaps
The boys dressed to kill
The girls dressed to kill
Smoking on a cigarette lookin for a thrill
Poppin a pill
feelin ill
lookin for a place to just chill...
somthing like that lol..
but what you got is good... just keep building off of what you got... and remember "THEME"
Hope I helped (:
Arctic monkeys playing cigarette smoke i don't know where i got the pictures from but i thought they were fitting Lyrics to Cigarette Smoke ...
What happens if you eat the menthol ball in a camel crush, will it harm you? I was looking forward to these cigarettes, but my prediction was that people will start eating the menthol bursts inside, and i don't want to see these taken off the shelves by people being dumb. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters I found the answer in an unlikely source. Somebody asked if the Camel Crush contained fiberglass, and from there I found that the menthol ball is just a capsule with menthol liquid in it. Since menthol is derived from mint, there isn't anything dangerous about it.
Check out my other cig reviews www.youtube.com Newport Reds - Non Menthol Cigarette Review This cigarette has been requested many times, here you ...
How many cigarettes do you get out of a 25g pack of golden virginia rolling tobacco? I roll my own cigarettes as it is alot cheaper. I was rolling one earlier and the question just suddenly came into my mind, does anybody know? I use a standard/medium amount of tobacco in each cigarette. Please do not answer telling me to quit, i know its bad, so please don't waste your time. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters I use a rizla concept filter tube and use 25g of baccy and tend to make somewhere between 35 and 45 king size cigarettes. If you on about just a normal rollup i would say about 70-80 :)
Here I show how to make Class A Cigarettes with the Rizla Concept Hand injector cigarette maker, a option to concidor if you cant roll your own ...
Jim Bunning is complaining about Canada, Canada nonetheless, Banning Candy flavor cigarettes? What else is he going to complain about, Canada Banning candy flavor liquor?
Is he Canadian, or American? And why would he complain about such a ban anyway? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker well the right wingers of america are not happy to tell the rest of us how we should live as people and true americans, now feel entitled to tell other people in other countries how they should do things, and I say good enough for the world. why should we in america have to be the only ones stuck with these holier than thou douche bags ranting away, if I have to suffer through these repukes then the rest of the world should suffer them too.
What types of effects does smoking cigarettes have on a person mentally? Besides being addicted, I mean.
How can quitting smoking cigarettes help someone mentally, given they do not drink or do any other type of drug? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Aside from addiction, nicotine has similar effects to caffeine, so it doesn't really affect a healthy person mentally any more than a cup of coffee would.
Nicotine and other chemicals like harman and norharman (which act as potent monoaminooxidase inhibitors) in cigarette smoke can normalise brain activity and relieve depression, so you find the vast majority schizophrenics smoke and some people suffering from depression may subconsciously self-medicate with tobacco. Of course, there are less harmful ways of treating schizophrenia and depression, but generally quitting smoking has no positive mental effects.
www.BanSmoke.info Do you think smoking should be banned? Help us find out what the general public thinks about this issue and win a "$150 ...
Can You Make Your Own Chewing Tobacco/Snuff Out Of Cigarette Tobacco? I am curious if this can be done. I am now in the part of the world where I cannot buy chewing tobacco or snuff so I am wondering if I can use cigarette tobacco to create my own snuff.
I am interested in real answers not " look in wikipedia' , 'search yahoo or "order inline". Duh! Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Normally chewing tobacco is smoke cured as opposed to the smokeless dry cure for cigarette tobacco and chewing tobacco is usually sweetened with molases or other sweetener. So you couldn't really make chewing tobacco properly from cigareete tobacco. But you might be able to use pipe tobacco if you can get that (not sure where you are in the world, but tobacco is pretty common). You could grow your own, but curring is tricky, storage difficult.
I think I might try to get some pipe or cigar tobacco, sweeten to taste with molases, maybe add a little flavoring (what is your prefered brand? you might be able to find the flavoring used).
Check out all my other reviews and subscribe www.youtube.com Honeyrose Chocolate Cigarette Review Nicotine & Tobacco free! 100% Herbal This is ...
Are you old enough to remember the Joe Camel commercials? For you younguns, cigarette ads used to be aimed towards kids, until they made that illegal. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker I have joe camel stuff still...pencil/pen holder, bookmark, two cofee mugs
remember his band and the cartoon mini's they made??? Joe camel was the sh*t
Joe Camel. An innocent man, making an honest living, loved by many, silenced by the US Government. This song is a tribute to a man who was loved ...
What is the best site to buy Cigarettes online? Non-Smokers or Under 18 Don't reply. I live in Ohio, I'd like a good fair price, but do not want to wait 20 days from Europe. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters I live in Michigan and 10 years ago when I was dumb enough to smoke and hurt my health and waste my money we sometimes drove to Ohio to purchase them.
Is it bad to have one cigarette a week? I am aware of the negative side effects of cigarette smoking and I know that one cigarette a week still isn't probably healthy, but I get really bad chocolate/junk food cravings on the weekend and use a cigarette to substitute this? Is this okay? Thanks. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters It won't stay at 'just one'.
How much does a carton of Marlboro cigarettes cost in places like CVS? I'm trying to calculate how much my parents spend on cigarettes. Please help me. I just need to know the average cost of a carton of cigarettes in drug stores like CVS. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters It depends on where you live. Cigarette prices vary from store to store and state to state. In Tennessee a pack of Marlboro is probably around $5 a pack. A carton would be $46-$50. I switched to an electronic cigarette and I am saving a lot of money.
There is no doubt that cigarettes are expensive. Learn ways to get the maximum out of your cigarette budget with rolling tobacco in this free ...
How many cigarettes are smoked per year worldwide, and in usa? first, how many cigarettes are smoked per year worldwide, then usa. and no per person statistics, just everybody. thanks Best Answer - Chosen by Asker that information can only know the social worker who conducted the surveys during a period of time
This patient education video provides information about smoking and why it is unhealthy for smokers and those around them. Included are the ...
What is the camel crush coupons website? I am lookin to get coupons, and i cannot find the website/place to find the coupons. please someone help me.
It'll be greatly appreciated. i have gone almost 6 years of buyin cigarettes, without using coupons. coupons would make buyin them much simpler. :) Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Quitting smoking would make it simpler still. You'll save money and won't have to waste time searching for coupons. Oh yeah, and you also won't die of lung cancer or emphysema.
cigarettesdutyfree.org - Get Camel Milds Orange cigarettes at duty free rates from this link. Use the coupon S22MUxTtba at checkout for an extra 3 ...
Which is the Best Electronic Cigarette? I have done my research on a lot of e-cigarette brands. Some starter kits are expensive, while other e cigs cost under 60 dollars for the full package.
What electronic cigarette brand do you smoke, why did you choose the brand you smoke, and please include any issues you have had. (ex. I read a cheap e cigarette battery blew up in someone's mouth while they were smoking it)
NOTE: do not spam my question with web addresses, promos, affiliate ids disguised as coupon codes. All spam will be reported, this is a real request for information not place to spam. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker I personally own a Blu electronic cigarette and I like it. The kit was affordable and comes with a hard case that will charge your batteries for you while you are out and about. One thing I especially like is the fact that the cartridges are made here in the USA and have a consistent smooth taste and high quality vapor. I suggest starting with a mild nicotine level as it will cause you to cough. It does take some getting used to but if you stick to it you will soon forget about regular cigarettes.
On a side note, most of the time a good affiliate has accumulated more info than anyone else online and I am sure you have spent your fair share of time on these sites gathering your data. Sadly for the affiliate you will not give him credit for supplying you with all that info in one convenient place. You will pay the same whether you go directly to the site or clicking that affiliate link so what difference should it make to you. If you get good advice from an affiliate marketer, thank them by clicking their link.
Yes I am an affiliate marketer and yes I run a review site for ecigs but that don't mean I am not also a consumer of these products and wish to share as much info as I can about these products hopefully helping someone quit using tobacco.
An affiliate is exactly like a salesman representing these companies in an effort to earn a living.
For all of your research, your still on the fence. Good Luck, I truly hope you find a kit you are happy with and get off of tobacco.
bit.ly - Stop smoking your tobacco cigarettes and switch to blu eCigs. Blu Electronic Cigarettes are the leading e-cigarette brand in the industry ...
Does anyone know where I can find old cigarette ads? They must have a woman in them and preferably be from between the 1920's and 1980's but there must be a year associated with them. Thanks! Best Answer - Chosen by Voters In magazines that date back to before the late 1960's, and you will find these magazines such as "Life" to name one, on ebay or an antique shop that has a wide variety of things. You could possibly find one in a classified section of newspapers.
Is it illegal to buy Djarum blacks (clove cigarettes) online from a store out of the country? Because obviously they are banned (for RIDICULOUS reasons) here in the US... can I buy them online and have them shipped to my house, or is that still illegal? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker The new ban is ridiculous. I agree. However, Djarum now offers a clove "cigar" pack in the U.S. which is nearly identical to the old clove cigarettes. Give that a try before you go breaking the law and messing with Customs.
My reaction to a segment on the Rachel Ray Show about banning e-cigs. March 4 2010
Is it Legal to send cigarettes through the mail? I live in Arkansas and i want to send a couple packs of cigarettes as a christmas present to my uncle in Arizona. Are people allowed to ship cigarettes? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker Due to the law, it is permitted to receive\send not more then 200 cigs (1 carton) of cigs to USA (from Europe for instance). What about internal sendings...sorry, don't know, but think it's unlimitted.
But I'm actually regularly ordering from some trusted online shops, 6-12 cartons per month. I'm doing this for about a year and had no problems with customs or smth like this. I'm from NY.
I got a box in the mail that looks just like a of pack cigarettes. The box is actually a box of a popular peanut butter like chocolate.
How to get coupons/discounts for Camel cigarettes online? I know that if you register on the camel website you can get coupons and stuff, but do they mail it to you or are there printable versions? If they are mailed, is it easy to tell by the envelope or package that they are for cigarettes? I dont want the people living with me to know im getting coupons online.
I also heard you can send in the side of the pack (barcode or something) and get discounts as well, is this true? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters i think u smoke way too muck player. im just saying
cigarettesdutyfree.org - Get Camel Filters Soft Pack cigarettes at duty free rates from this link. Use the coupon S22MUxTtba at checkout for an ...
My husband and I want to take a vacation to Australia in December. Need advice!? I know Dec is a hot month there, but it is the only time we will have at least a week to be gone. Is it better to take a cruise or to just fly there? What type of price range are we looking at? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Fly here, December can get hot, however January can be dreadfully hot. I dont know where you are however, Accomodation is a very similar standard/price to the US. (went there last year and loved it) Food is more expensive. (went to Dennys in ohio for 4 people, with tips total was $50, over here it would be more like $90, and don't tip) I always go on the packet of cigarettes and six pack of beer comparison. A pack of cigarettes will cost $10.50 and a six pack of beer will cost around $14.00. Everything is around the same price difference. Petrol is around $1.70 a litre ($6.50 Gallon) Whereas Diesel is $1.90 a Litre ($7.20 Gallon) Although everything is much more expensive, Australia is a country with so many unique things, you wont be disappointed. You need much more than a week, get as much time as you can. Have fun when you get here.
www.greensmoke.com greensmokes.blogspot.com Green Smoke is a healthier electronic cigarette which contains only the nicotine you want, nothing you ...
How do you pack cigarettes packs? when you get a cigarette pack most people smack the box on their hand to pack in the tobacco. which way do you face the box when you pack it? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters I'm thinking you might be asking something a bit different. Filter end against the hand of course, but if it's a box not a soft pack, for some reason i always have the side that flips up facing me when i pack them.
Have not had a cigarette in 10 days by the way! Slowly losing my mind.
My Worldwide cigarettes pack collection are about 200 packages from all over the world mainly from Cyprus and Russia .... the collection includes ...
Does smoking cigarettes have any relation to always feeling like I have to go to the bathroom after? I only just started smoking cigarettes maybe 2-3 weeks ago, but every time I do, I always feel like I have to go to the bathroom after, or end up doing so. Is that normal? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Nicotine is a stimulant to your bowels. Get of the cigs while you can. Believe me its not cool and they make you feel bad.
In which I tell the boring story of how I started smoking.
Does anyone know any websites that sell prank items? So I want to know if there's anyone who knows a website where u could buy pranking stuff like exploding cigarettes and stuff, thnx Best Answer - Chosen by Voters You buy the loads separately, and have to insert them into the cigarette or cigar. And I doubt that you can buy them online, as they are generally made of wood splinters which have been impregnated with gunpowder, and they can't be shipped with most common carriers. Your best bet is to go to a local illusion/magic shop, where they will have practical jokes you can buy in person.
Be careful if you want to use cigarette loads. Now personally I think it's hilarious to watch a smoker light one up and have it explode in his face...if he's not driving or something at the time. I gave up loading my husband's cigarettes when he told me that he was very nearly killed because one exploded on him while he was driving.
This is a tutorial about how to make a Exploding cigarette. you can make this and put in in your friends Cigarette box or something If you have ...
What is addictive in cigarettes nicotine, or the other stuff in them? Which is more addictive, nicotine or the chemicals? Are natural cigarettes addictive as much as the regular ones? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters As far as science can tell it's the nicotene that is the chemical that causes addiction. An addiction that rivals heroin.
But, the problem is, is that tobacco companies have been so underhanded in their production of cigarettes that there's no telling what you're actually smoking.
It's truly amazing that a product that causes so much addiction and health problems is still allowed to be sold.
Gregory Johnson talks about the benefits of additive-free Natural American Spirit Organic cigarettes from the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company.
How to test nicotine level in a cigarette? Hi, I'm a smoker, and I've been trying to reduce my nicotine intake by switching brands of cigarettes to find the lowest. Problem is I don't know which one is the lower than the other. Are there any ways to conduct a home-test to compare the nicotine level on cigarettes? Maybe using a non-lab, easy-to-use, easy-to-find chemical? Or are there other ways? Any suggestion is highly appreciated.
Thanx. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Don't know
Having a look a the wiki site, it is a hygroscopic pyrridine.
I reckon you could dissolve it out of tobacco using vodka but then I don't quite know how you would then test levels.
My suggestion:
buy 30 cigarettes of each strength
purchase 1 bottle of vodka - colourless would be preferable
a large number of tumblers
Dissolve 1 cigarette of each strength in a tumbler of vodka and give them all the same amount of time ... say 1 or 2 hours.
(Drink the vodka - the stuff you haven't dissolved cigarettes in.)
Inspect the tumblers to see if noticeable colour change has occurred.
If not, repeat the test with 2 cigarettes in each tumbler.
Drink more vodka.
Go to the shop and buy vodka
Do not drive to the shop
If there is no colour change after 1-2 hours try again with 3 cigarettes in each glass. Dissolve them and inspect for colour change.
... if you haven't gotten the result by the time you reach 7 cigarettes in each glass you won't have enough to go further.
www.ELECTRONICCIGARETTEMALL.COM Review of electronic cigarette using a non nicotine cartridge from a non smoker. This is the Marlboro-style e ...
What brand of cigarettes smell like herbal and vanilla? Older people usually smoke them? What are some different kinds of cigarettes that smell almost like, clove/vanilla/floral?? You usually see older people smoking them. They smell so good, and am sick of smoking regular bitter marlboros, anyone know what I'm talking about? Best Answer - Chosen by Voters They could be smoking clove cigarettes (or kretek, as they are otherwise called.) I don't think you want to smoke those, though. Those are for emo kids.
Camel makes flavored cigarettes, but they are hard to find since the states have decided they are being marketed to children and are, therefore, being pulled from store shelves.
The older folks you see could be smoking hand-made cigarettes. A lot of tobacconist shops sell them. You pick your own tobacco blend (they have dozens of different kinds, some flavored) and then you (or they'll do it for you) will roll you up some cigarettes for you. They have a machine that does it. They provide a much better smoke, they are made with much better tobacco, and they're cheaper as well!
1949 TV commercial from Camel cigarettes. You can order a More Doctors Smoke Camels T-shirt at: yowzers.com.
What is a promotional code and were can i find it on my coupon and pack of marlboro cigarettes? What is a promotional code?????? on marlboro website they ask for a promotion code and i guess you can get specail offers. what is it and were can i find it??? i got a coupon in the mail for a dollar off pack would it have the code on there?? please help. thank you Best Answer - Chosen by Voters check out https://www.marlborocigarettecoupons.net
The Australian government is taking on the big tobacco companies in a bid to reduce smoking-related diseases. The country's Health Minister ...
How can I keep Cigarette Smoke out of my suite? I have recently moved into a Main Floor of a house and have come to realize that the woman that lives in the basement smokes like a chimney! I don't tolerate cigarette smoke very well not to mention that I do not want my house to smell like an ashtray (especially since I don't smoke).
How can I keep the smell/smoke from the basement out of my living space?
Thanks! Best Answer - Chosen by Voters There's really nothing you can do but ask the lady to smoke outside or in a well ventilated area. It's really important that you do something though because strong second hand smoke can transfer to nonsmokers. Quick story: My dad wanted to take out a life insurance policy and when their nurse came out to take blood to make sure that he wasn't a smoker the results came back positive and his rates went way up (my mom smoked in the house). I'd complain to who ever owns the building. They probably don't want their building smelling like an ashtray either.
In the meantime, light candles or incense and use febreeze.
Check out all my other reviews and subscribe www.youtube.com Honeyrose Chocolate Cigarette Review Nicotine & Tobacco free! 100% Herbal This is ...
The minds of sixth graders? The following were answers provided by 6th graders during a history test. Watch the spelling! Some of the best humour is in the misspelling.
1. It was an age of great inventions and discoveries. Gutenberg invented removable type and the Bible. Another important invention was the circulation of blood. Sir Walter Raleigh is a historical figure because he invented cigarettes and started smoking.
2. Sir Francis Drake circumsized the world with a 100-foot clipper.
3. The greatest writer of the Renaissance was William Shakespeare. He was born in the year 1564, supposedly on his birthday. He never made much money and is famous only because of his plays. He wrote tragedies, comedies, and hysterectomies, all in Islamic pentameter. Romeo and Juliet are an example of a heroic couple.
4. Writing at the same time as Shakespeare was Miguel Cervantes. He wrote Donkey Hote. The next great author was John Milton. Milton wrote paradise Lost. Then his wife died and he wrote Paradise Regained.
5. Delegates from the original 13 states formed the Contented Congress. Thomas Jefferson, a Virgin, and Benjamin Franklin were two singers of the Declaration of Independence. Franklin discovered electricity by rubbing two cats backward and declared, "A horse divided against itself cannot stand." Franklin died in 1790 and is still dead.
6. Abraham Lincoln became America's greatest Precedent. Lincoln's mother died in infancy, and he was born in a log cabin which he built with his own hands. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves by signing the Emasculation Proclamation. On the night of April 14, 1865, Lincoln went to the theater and got shot in his seat by one of the actors in a moving picture show. They believe the assinator was John Wilkes Booth, a supposingly insane actor. This ruined Booth's career.
7. Johann Bach wrote a great many musical compositions and had a large number of children. In between he practiced on an old spinster which he kept up in his attic. Bach died from 1750 to the present. Bach was the most famous composer in the world and so was Handel. Handel was half German, half Italian, and half English. He was very large.
8. Beethoven wrote music even though he was deaf. He was so deaf he wrote loud music. He took long walks in the forest even when everyone was calling for him. Beethoven expired in 1827 and later died for this. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker That's great, I'm sending it to my friends.
Star for you~*
Radio Talk show host Tim Conway Jr. Talks about Vapage E-Cigarette Pocket pack on KFI AM 640 and iheartradio. More info at vapage.com Let's ...
My step daughter left a white object that looked liked a cigarette on the table? My stepdaughter came over and she left a tube type cigarette, It felt like it was made of clay. It was painted like a cigarette white and the top of it was painted like a filter, but u could see through it. At the bottom it was dark as if u smoked out of it, and smelled like smoke and scorched at the bottom. What is this used for? We are gonna asked her about it, but we need to know what you smoke out of it and used for. Sorry if i put under wrong category Best Answer - Chosen by Voters its what we like to call a one hitter. its a pipe, i found one in my parents room when i was like 8. some ppl also use them for crack, but i doubt thats in this case. but yes....a pipe, a pot smoking device :)
Demonstration on how to roll your own cigarettes and save yourself a ton of money. I use the Gambler cigarette injector machine. It's fast ...