What are your views on parents who smoke in front of their kids?
Now, if you're talking about legal adults who choose to smoke cigarettes, that's fine. After all, smoking is a legal activity and people have a right to smoke if they want to. But when a parent smokes in front of their kid, it's just plain selfish and inconsiderate, right? That child isn't mature enough to make his/her decisions to move away when their parent is smoking nor are they old enough to understand how harmful second-hand smoke is.
What do you think?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
I'm not a parent, but I would never smoke around children. If I am outdoors and need to smoke, I'll move a significant distance away from others, or to a designated smoking area, to light up. I'm well-educated and have examined tons of research on the matter, and I do NOT believe that secondhand smoke poses the immediate and extreme risks that so many hysterical anti-smokers claim--in fact I think it's very obvious that it does not. On the other hand, studies have strongly suggested that repeated exposure to concentrated secondhand smoke can affect the current and future health of children--and from my perspective, it would be extremely selfish and wrong to not err on the side of caution. As an adult, it is my choice and right to be a smoker, but at the same time it is my responsibility as a smoker to avoid forcing others to share the consequences of my choice.
"Smoking Cigarettes" Why, oh why Gave you several years of my life And it just ain't right What's your perception of love Now ...
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