What is the best way to remove the "smoker" smell from my new car?
I just bought a "new to me" car and the previous owner was obviously a smoker. The car has a lingering cigarette stench, which, to me, a non-smoker, is torture. What are your secrets to removing that nasty stale smoke smell?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
clean the inside of you re car don't leave anything like clothes or stuff because it will absorb the smell, buy cleaners or better yet take it to a place that details and tell them to shampoo or steam clean the inside of you re car, buy fabrezz unscented and spray the inside. when the smell of smoke or mildue produces in a car its hard to remove some say its easy but they recommend things that cover the smell up not things that get rid of it.
A very important note is to never leave the window open when it rain it will produce the most foul smell, i had worked at a shop where a customer who smoked alot brought his car to get his window replaced it had rained the previous day the smell was so bad that we had to where mask to work on the car
I did this to remove the horrible stale cigarette smell from our car - the previous owners smoked heavily in it.
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