Smoking pipes brand and cost ?
can anyone please tell me the cost of a good smoking pipe and brand if there is and type of tobacco
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
you can buy a corn cob pipe for around $5. and if you dont mind looking like a hillbilly they smoke just fine. They just dont last long. Figure on paying around $30-$40 for a good quality...but not name brand...pipe. Dunhills can cost more than a used car. Ben Wades can cost more than that. Dont buy drugstore pipes with filters. Talk to a tobacconist so he can helpyou match pipe style to smoking style. You dont want a really short pipe to smoke something really strong.
Tobacco? Go to a tobacco shop...not a discount cigarette store but a real pipe and cigar store. Tinderbox comes to mind. There you can open jars and smell the may types of tobacco and pick something you like. My preference is English Aromatics with lots of latakia in them.
If you have to buy your pipeweed at the local grocery store I would go with Borkum Riff whiskey.
If you can find a pipe made by Jobe go with that. And then buy yourself a half dozen Jobe links if they have them. The #1 cause of frustration with pipe smokers is forgetting that you stuck it in your pocket and you sat down and snapped off the stem. A new stem can be expensive and if it broke out the briar of the pipe your pipe is history. The Jobe link eliminates this problem by connecting the two parts of the pipe with a breakable , replaceable, plastic link. marvelous invention.
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