Whats the ultimate length to drag ratio for a cigarette?
For a hand rolled cigarete, the ones using like tobacco from a bag, (not the marlboros who never stop smoking) I want to create a huge cigarette using long papers, the kind like zig zags, rizzla, bigger then standard cigarette papers. Anyhow I want to combine a lot in a long row, something like 1 meter long.
What is the ultimum length to create a long cigarette without sacrificing too much smoke inhaled. (think about it, if its longer then a meter, you start sucking and by the time you cannot suck anymore, the smoke arrives.) So what is the ulmium length that will not sacrifice smoking pleasure?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Well to answer this question we must first assume that the said rolling papers will completely seal and hold all smoke inside. Secondly that they are rolled not too tight as to not let smoke transfer or to loose to smoke nothing but paper. For the type of smoke transfer you are wanting, the perfect length is necessary. The magic number lies somewhere between 11.5 and 13.25 inches. This will allow you to smoke an incredibly intense hit without having to suck like a vacuum to get it. Make sure your materials are grade A before attempting this.
This video is in response to: www.youtube.com Disgusting, absolutely ludicrous. Note book paper contains BLEACH and way to many other chemicals ...

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