Sunday, January 20, 2013

Addictive Free Cigarettes

Why is marijuana illegal? please state your position of the matter?
-It is not addicting any more than video games are.

-It is only very minimally harmful like less than fast food.

-Alcohol is much more dangerous and is legal.

-The nations prisons are filled with normal people on weed charges. While violent criminals are free.

-Cigarettes are legal and are far more dangerous and addictive FAR more.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Marijuana was outlawed in the U.S. during the year 1937. Here are the three major factors that contributed to it's criminalization;

1: Xenophobia. At the time, Mexicans were primarily responsible for importing the stuff into the country, and Americans were generally resentfulll of foreigners, so they did anything they could to keep them and their way of life down.

2: Corporate interest. Alcohol and Tobacco companies were afraid of competition, and paper companies were afraid of competition from hemp.

3: Propaganda. Films such as "Reefer Madness", which falsely portrayed Marijuana as a highly addictive drug that caused people to react psychotically swayed the public into believing pot was bad for society.

THis is one fine piece of Newfoundland journalism. It wouldn't be so great if it wasn't real.


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