Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cigarette Addiction Facts

What is the logical point of putting so many chemicals in cigarettes?
I just don't understand why big tobacco is putting so many harmfull chemicals in cigarettes. What is the logic behind that? I know the simple answer is to speed up addiction but I would like to know the real answer.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
The tobacco companies are NOT ADDING these chemicals. The chemicals are simply by products of the chemical process involved in burning anything....

"" tv ads seem to leave out that part, I belive they chould be called "" because they give just enough information to make tobacco look evil, and leave out the fact that this is a natural occurance of the burning process.

Please do some unbiased research ( take a look at why they are doing this....

It's common knowledge that smoking a cigarette is bad for you. However, many people overlook how serious using tobacco in the form of dipping ...


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