Sunday, January 20, 2013

Delaware Cigarette Carton Prices

ANOTHER cigarette price hike in Delaware?
This past week I bought a carton of Pall Malls for $31 something in Delaware. The clerk told me that as of the end of this month, they will be over $70 ("same as everywhere else," he said).

Now, they just had a huge price increase last month due to the federal tax increase (I started smoking Pall Malls last month), but is this true?

I have been trying to find anything about it online--most of the time this kind of increase would have gotten quite a bit of publicity. But I've been able to find nothing but the stories about last month's increase.

Anybody know the scoop?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
It's called being, "money whipped." They can't tell you to quit so, they money whip you..

NORWAY - E11 - $14.37 - £8.9 IRELAND - E9.2 - $12.11 - £7.5 UK E9.2 $12.11 - £7.5 FRANCE E6.6 $8.64 - £5.35 SWISS E6.45 $8.45 £5.23 78CHF HOLLAND ...


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