Thursday, January 3, 2013

Best Menthol Cigarette

What do Menthol Cigarettes do to your health?
I keep hearing that menthol cigarettes are worse thatn regular. Is this true and if so, What is the major difference?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Well, menthol seems to have a cooling effect on the lungs, which might entice you to smoke more. In that case, you'd get whatever effect you get from tobacco X however much more menthol cigarettes you smoke.

I don't know the specific formula of menthol cigarettes, but if regular ones are bad, I think ones with extra flavoring would be worse. If you're not supposed to drink mouthwash, then it's a bad idea to pour it on your cigs and smoke it. So don't smoke any kind.

Sorry its so dark, I am on Graveyards now so it's a little tough when I loose the daylight. Check out my other Cigarette and Cigar reviews www ...


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