How to convince my mom she needs to stop smoking?
My mom has smoked cigarettes for a very long time, and I cannot convince her to stop. I've tried giving her facts and statistics about smoking problems and diseases and how she is endangering me, and whenever I try to talk to her about it she says, "Don't worry about it." And then if I try to lead on the conversation more, she will yell at me. The only other thing she answered me with is, "It's too hard to quit." But she has never tried to quit before. I am sick of breathing smoke all the time, I'm sick of not being able to have friends over because they get headaches when they are at my house (many have told me), and I am sick of sitting here watching my mother suck on cancer sticks just wasting her life away, and endangering me and everyone else. She refuses to just smoke outside, and air purifiers are not an option. (They are too expensive) We are also not doing so good financially and she ignores the fact that that's where all the money goes. Please help me.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Sound like this situation will never change, so the answer is that you move out as soon as possible. If you are too young to move out you will have to move out later on as soon as you can arrange it. Most smokers are very self centred people who are not really worried about the discomforts and problems they are causing other people and also most smokers are not capable of quitting or don't want to quit. AreYou Sick Of Trying to Quit Smoking By Using Patches, Gum, Sprays or Pills...That Fail Every Time? Now YOU can Kick The Habit For ...
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