Want to mount car stereo into home made boat, how to wire?
About to undertake a home built boat project.. and I was thinking about incorporating a car stereo head unit into the bulkhead.. how would I wire this to get it a supply of 12v juice? would using a car battery be not preferable since it wouldn't have an alternator to work with it? would want to about hooking up a trickle charger to it after use?
Any other ideas and suggestions?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
I've mounted a few. For fresh water application, a car stereo is probably fine, but if you will be on salt water, I recommend getting a real marine stereo. If there is any chance of it getting wet, you can purchase protective stereo cases sold through the major marine stores which feature a gasketed front opening.
Any stereo should come with wiring instructions.
My guess is you will need a 12-volt battery, not only to power your stereo, but a VHF radio, running lights, anchor light, etc, depth sounder, fish finder, etc that you may have. Usually, what people do is install a simple breaker panel or fuse panel, mounted in a bulkhead that is wired to the battery and then wire any components to the plus and minus sides of the breaker or fuse panel. Fuse panels are not at all expensive.
For your 12-volt battery, you will likely need a battery case or somehow have to have it covered as well as secured. I recommend a marine deep cycle battery instead of a cranking battery for running electronics. You can charge it with a regular car trickle charger as you mentioned. What I did on one boat, was run some wires to cigarette type plug and mount this recepticle on the charger, so I didn't have to access the battery all the time, - just plug it in.
Make sure any mounted speakers to not interfere with a ships compass if you install one. If your speakers will be outside, I recommend you go with marine speakers. I've used car or indoor speakers in the interior of boats.
Cigarette Offshore Boat Jump
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