What is the process of making your own herbal cigarettes?
I have a recipe for making my own herbal cigarettes out of combining any choice of the following: marshmallow leaves, red clover flowers, rose petals, yerba santa, damiana, passion flower, jasmine, ginseng, bayberry, osha root, mullein, red willow, red sumac, lovage bark, spearmint, peppermint, wild lettuce, catnip, skullcap, fly agaric or pantherina mushrooms, blue lotus, pink lotus, motherwart, salvia divinorum, wormwood, maltodextrin. After choosing which herbs to use you are suppose to soak them in extracts of one or more of the following: kava kava, valarian, lettuce opium, skullcap, passion flower, maltodextrin, vanilla, honey, fruit juices. Then you are suppose to use leaves of lotus, cornsilk, or licorice root ( or a combo of these) for rolling them/filtering?? Anyways, they were not very specific on how to actually do all of this and I wondered if anyone knew which of these herbs go good together, how long I should soak them and dry them for, etc... Thanks!
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do not be stupid. make friends with some local stoners and smoke good weed. I no longer smoke it but will again some day once it is legal.
If you're a smoker this is a great way to save money and still have perfect cigarettes. ANY FLAVOR, ANY SIZE!! NOW IS THE TIME TO START SAVING!!!

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